Natural sciences and Humanities college is a higher educational institution of the 1st accreditation level established on the 8th of April 1999 under the jurisdiction and in accordance with the order of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine. Today it is a significant structural unit of the State higher educational institution UzhhorodNationalUniversity which provides training of students in related specialties of the University, its educational and professional programs and conducts other instructive activities.
The college is fully equipped with modern technological appliances. Special classrooms and IT laboratories are available for practical classes, calculations in undergraduate’s and graduate’s theses, projects and core and job-related subjects. There is a library with a reading hall, free Internet and wi-fi network access, sports facilities, a hostel, a medical centre, a café and a canteen at the disposal of students and teachers. Our students enjoy their self-governing activities, participate in various sports clubs, hobby-groups and societies.
Full and part time education is provided for more than 800 students, half of them receive state-subsidized education. About 2000 people have graduated from college since the time of its opening.
The teaching staff of the college is headed by director Volodymyr Voytechovych Rosokha, who is an expert teacher and an honoured worker of education of Ukraine
Sydor Roman Mykhaylovych is deputy director responsible for educational and methodology work. Mykhaylo Tykhonovych Popovych is deputy director responsible for educational work. Halyna Mykhaylivna Monda is head of the department.
The college structure ensures successful preparation of students in full accord with Regulations on the 1-2 accreditation level higher educational institutions. There are 14 cycle boards in the college in comprehensive ,core and job –related subjects.
The educational process is provided by highly qualified personnel including 40 teachers among whom there are 16 proficiency teachers,10 developing teachers, 6 advanced teachers and 3 specialists. Thirty six lecturers of Uzhhorod National university ( 16 candidates of sciences and 6 assistant professors) are involved in teaching some subjects.
Natural Sciences and Humanities college provides training of junior specialists in accordance with the series AГ№582792 of 8.02 2012 license in the following fields:
Law Science 5.03040101 The period of study is 3 years and 10 months
Accounting 5.03050901 The period of study is 2 years and 10 months
Finances and credit 5.03050801 The period of study is 2 years and 10 months.
Valuation activity 5.03050802 The period of study is 2 years and 10 months.
Software Development 5.05010301 The period of study is 3 years and 10 months
System of Land Tenure 5.08010102 The period of study is 3 years and 10 months
Buildings Construction and Maintenance 5.06010101 The period of study is 3 years and 10 months
Tourist’s service 5.14010301 The period of study is 3 years and 5 months.
However in the nearest future the college administration is planning to open three new specialties “Program Systems and Complexes Maintenance”, “Architectural Design and Interior”,” Organization of Manufacturing(Production)”. The preparation for their licensing is in process now.
College graduates can continue their studies at Uzhhorod National University to be awarded Bachelor’s degree (reduced term ) and later Specialist’s or Master’s degrees.
We are constantly searching for new forms and methods of educational activities. Both teachers and students of our college are ready for fruitful cooperation and training future generations in new up to date specialties.
S. Golik