The Department of Pedagogics

The Chronicle of the Department of Pedagogy began in 1956, when there was issued a decree of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR on August 28, 1956 "On the Departments of Kharkov and Uzhgorod State Universities." Prior to its organization, the faculties that trained the teaching staff, in addition to the course "Pedagogy", provided the course "Psychology". So then, in 1968, the department was reorganized into the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. At various times it was headed by Ph.D.(pedagogy), Associate Professor N.K.Chernilovska (1956-1959), Honored teacher of USSR A.A. Goncharenko (acting in 1960-1965), Doctor of Pedagogy, professor V.V.Homonnay (1966-1986), Doctor of Pedagogy, professor V.V.Saharda (1987-2005), Ph.D. (psychology), associate professor E.T. Solomka (2005 -2010), Doctor of Pedagogy, professor V.I.Starosta (2010-2013).

The Department provides pedagogical and psychological courses to students of all faculties for the academic degrees "Bachelor", "Specialist", "Master" and post-graduate courses at Uzhgorod National University, organizes educational and assistant internships, carries out fundamental and applied research in psycho-pedagogical and methodological issues of learning and education.

The Head of the department is Rosul Vasily V., Professor, Ph.D.(pedagogy), the Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Professor Emeritus of the University.

The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology employs 12 scientific and pedagogical staff: 3 professors, 6 associate professors, 2 teachers.

The staffof the Departmentmaintainsclosecontactswiththe universities ofTranscarpathia (MukachevoStateUniversity, TranscarpathianFerencRákócziII HungarianInstituted), theNationalAcademyofPedagogicalSciencesofUkraine, Dragomanov NationalPedagogicalUniversity, V.Stefanyk Carpathian University, Kerch State Marine Technological University, Transcarpathian Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, University of Szeged, Hungary Niredhaz Pedagogical Institute and the University of Prešov in Slovakia. The teachers are involved in the joint development of topical issues of pedagogy and psychology, give lectures, participate in scientific conferences, and exchange of experience.

The department has postgraduate course (specialization 13.00.01 "Theory and History of Pedagogy").

Activities of the Department are connected with the constant search for new forms of work, improving psychological and pedagogical training of teachers and specialists with higher education, regular hosting of scientific and practical conferences, methodological workshops, pedagigical reading, publishing collections of scientific works: "Scientific Bulletin of Uzhgorod National University. Series: Pedagogy. Social work "; "Pedagogical Innovation in professional education."

Prof. V.V.Rosul, prof. V.I. Starosta, assoc. prof. M.I. Klyap, assoc. prof. M.I. Kukhta, assoc. prof. V.V. Turyanytsya were awarded with the  Sign "Excellence in Education of Ukraine"; prof. V.I. Starosta was awarded with the medal “Petro Mohyla”. 
