

Computer Engineering students are the prize winners of XXI Ukrainian Systems Programming Student Olympiad

The 2-nd round of the All-Ukrainian Student Systems Programming Olympiad took place at National Technical University 'Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute "(NTU" KPI") on April 2-5, 2019. It was the XXI Olympiad for students of universities and technical schools.

 After the two rounds of the competition, Roman Kachmar, the second year student of Computer Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of SHEI "UzhNU" became the 3rd place winner.

 The team of UzhNU consisting of Roman Kachmar, Vladyslav Petechuk, and Yaroslav Petechuk, was awarded with the diploma for active participation in the Olympiad.

The fourth year students of computer engineering Ivan Hutych, Ruslan Yesenovskyi, Yuriy Mytulya, Valentyn Shpachynskyi and the second year student Andriy Boyko also participated in the Olympiad.

Sincere congratulations to the winners and participants of the Olympiad!

