

Election of the dean and meeting with UzhNU leadership at the Faculty of Medicine

The meeting of the staff of the Medical Faculty of UzhNU took place on Wednesday, June 12, 2019. The staff members elected the dean of the faculty, and met with the leadership of the university, in particular, the Rector of UzhNU Volodymyr Smolanka, the First Vice-Rector Oleksandr Slyvka and the Vice-Rector for Administrative and Economic Work Dmytro Soyma.

The staff of the Medical Faculty elected the acting dean, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Oleksandr Boldyzhar for the next term. In his report on the previous 7 years in office, he focused on the changes that had taken place at the Medical Faculty: "We have a steady increase in the number of students and staff members. If 7 years ago we could provide 120-140 people with full-time jobs, now we can offer 240-270 full-time jobs. We also have 2 Specialized Scientific Boards, we have opened more new classrooms and clinical bases. The number of foreign students admitted to our faculty has increased. If in 2014 we admitted 360 foreigners to our faculty, the following year the number was 600."

 After the voting, the participants of the meeting discussed the prospects of the faculty development, and current problems and challenges. The university leaders also answered the questions put by the faculty staff.


