

Graduates of the military department received their deserved shoulder boards

On Friday, December 8th 2017, graduates of the Department of Military Training of Uzhhorod National University, who in the summer of this year took an oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people, were presented with their well deserved military attributes – junior reserve lieutenant shoulder boards.

According to the Head of the Department of Military Training of UzhNU, Colonel Vasyl Oliynyk, this year’s graduates were looking forward to this day, because they successfully passed all tests, examinations and took the oath.

 The graduates of the department, from now on officers, admit that while studying at the department they gained a lot of knowledge, became more tempered and stronger in their patriotic beliefs, they also gained opportunitities for further development, in particular in the area of military affairs. It’s important that the students of the department obtained high quality theoretical knowledge, consolidated their practical skills and underwent training in harsh military environment. According to Colonel Vasyl Oliynyk it could not have been done without hard work of the teachers of the department, united efforts of its leadership and the support of the university administration.

 Today's solemn event was also dedicated to a recent holiday - the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Therefore, the deputy head of the Regional Military Commissariat, Colonel Petro Marko, also attended the event where he congratulated the graduates of the department and performed a honorary mission - rewarded a Reserve Colonel Volodymyr Korshunov with the award of the President of Ukraine for his participation in the anti-terrorist operation, courage and heroism.
