


Love Ukraine, Like the Sun Do Love Her

Volodymyr Sosyura 


Love Ukraine, like the sun do Love Her,
like the wind, the grasses, and the waters...
In the hour of good fortune and the moment of joy,
love her in the moment of discord.
Love Ukraine in your dreams and in fact,
Your Ukraine - cherry red,
her eternal, and new living beauty
her nightingale like language.
Without her - we're nothing, just dust and smoke,
scattered about the fields by the wind...
Love Ukraine with your whole heart
and with all that you do.
For us in this world she is the one and only,
as her eyes be soft and brown...
She is in the stars, in the willows she is,
in the beat of everyones heart,
In the flowers, the birds, in the crooked hedges,
in every song, in thoughts,
in a child's smile, in a maiden's eyes
in the purple banner's flutter...
Like the hassock, that burns - unconsumed,
it lives in the pathways and meadows.
in the groaning roar, in the Dnipro's waves
in those clouds of purple,
in the bulrush fires, that drive on to the west
the foreigners in their green uniforms,
in the bayonets, that in obscurity open our path
to a spring, bright, and generous.
Oh youth! Let it be for her your smile,
the tears, and all, to perdition...
You can not love other nations,
when you do not love your own country.
Oh maiden! As the shy is blue,
love her every minute...
Your beloved who loves you won't want you,
when you do not love your own country.
Love her in the struggles, in love, in battle,
in this time, when the battlements rumble...
With your whole heart love your Ukraine,
to eternity we'll be there with her!


Soure: translation.
