

Lecturers of the Faculty of Economics expand international cooperation

On April 29-30 an international scientific-practical conference "Entrepreneurship and innovation in business" was held in Presov (Slovakia). The delegation of the Faculty of Economics of UzhNU consisting of the Dean Associate Professor V.V. Serzhanov, Deputy Dean V.N. Herzanych, Head of the Department of economic theory Associate Professor O.S. Molnar, Professor. N.Y Kubiniy and head of the Department of accounting and auditing Professor Y.Y. Dankiv participated in the conference.

Besides the discussion of entrepreneurship and innovation issues, the inauguration of newly elected Rector of ISM Slovakia in Presov Ph.D. Marek Storoshko was scheduled. The very conference began with a liturgy dedicated to the inauguration of the Rector, which was served in a chapel on the campus.

The inauguration ceremony of the Rector of the International School of Management Slovakia in Presov took place in the hall of the University in the presence of rectors of higher educational institutions of Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic, ambassadors of Ukraine, Moldova and other guests.

Participation of Uzhhorod scientists in the conference contributes to further cooperation between the Faculty of Economics of Uzhhorod National University and European universities, and it opens new opportunities for both lecturers and students of the university.
