

On the invitation of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic Career Center of UzhNU joined the JobFair-2016 in Kosice

On the invitation of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic Uzhhorod National University Career Center joined the JobFair-2016 which was held in the city of Kosice on the 9th of March. This is one of the greatest events of the kind in Eastern Slovakia and it is intended for students, graduates and job seekers not only from Slovakia, but also from the border regions of the neighbouring countries, as the labour market nowadays is destroying borders and becoming more globalized.

The participants of this year's event, who presented their training and employment vacancies, included such leading global companies as AT&T Global Network Services, Embraco, Lear Corporation Seating, T-Systems Slovakia, U.S. Steel Košice, Deloitte, Gebrüder Weiss, GlobalLogic, IBM, LafargeHolcim European Business Services, Pixel Federation, SENACOR, Swiss Re Management AG LEVEL 3 Accenture, Amazon, CassaCloud, DELL, eea communication solutions, PwC, Radisson Blue Carlton Hotel, Tatravagónka Poprad.

Organizers of JobFair-2016 in Kosice, Mr. Jake Sledgers, the Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia, Mr. Martin Pitorak, the Vice-President of the «U.S. Steel Košice» for Human Resources and Mr. Martin Mudrak, a Regional Coordinator of the American Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia expressed their interest in further cooperation with our region and UzhNU, in particular, by involving and informing university students and graduates through the Career Center of UzhNU.

 "I want to mention JobFair organizers’ sincere support of UzhNU Career Center and express gratitude for the invitation and the proposals for future cooperation. They were surprised to discover that such centers were actively functioning at universities around the world. Realizing the importance and prospects of globalization of the labour market,  inevitability of integration processes and improvement of future professionals’ skills to the European standards, we discussed cooperation possibilities and further organizational and informational support "- said Tetiana Buturlakina, the Director of Career Center of UzhNU. - "During the JobFair, we received offers from the leading companies for our students and graduates, so everyone interested can contact us for the information".

"As a separate unit there was a training section meant to teach how to write cover letters and prepare resumes in accordance with the European standards (in two languages - native and English) and be interviewed successfully. Our graduates should have extremely important skills of self-promotion and self-presentation.  We can help them and teach them how to do it".

   For more information, contact the Career Center of UzhNU:, 050 102 76 49, 095 512 39 48, 063 857 33 36.
