

The delegation of the Vysočina Region paid a working visit to UzhNU

The Czech delegation visited Transcarpathia on the 28th -30th of April to coordinate efforts on the projects implemented jointly by the Vysočina region of the Czech Republic and the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. The program of cooperation for the year 2015 comprises 28 projects worth a total of 6 million CZK.

The schedule of the visit included a meeting of the delegation members with the leadership of UzhNU to discuss the possibility for Czech students to study in Uzhhorod University, discussions with the academic staff of the Philological Faculty, particularly, the Department of Slovak Philology, about further collaboration and planned projects. Mr. Zdenek Kadlec wished to deliver a lecture on the Vysočina Region to students of Czech and Slovak departments of the Philological Faculty.

On April, 30th the delegation headed by the chair of the regional government Zdenek Kadlec visited Uzhhorod National University. At the Faculty of Philology the guests were welcomed by the Rector of UzhNU Volodymyr Smolanka, Vice Rector Myroslava Lendel, the Dean of the Faculty of Philology Halyna Shumytska, assistant professor of Slovak Philology Department Yulia Yusyp-Yakymovych and students of Czech philology, Slovak philology and journalism.

The Rector of UzhNU presented Zdenek Kadlec (the head of the regional government of the Vysočina region and the head of the charity fund «ViZa») and Milan Pilař (journalist, teacher and founder of the Society «Centrum Vysočina») with the commendations from the University for cooperation and support of the specialty "Czech Language and Literature" of the Philological Faculty, in particular, for their help in providing the university with professional literature in Czech linguistics, literature and didactics.

Let us remind you that funds for textbooks were allocated by the Vysočina region in December last year. At the same time it was offered to buy the latest scientific and educational literature in Czech linguistics and literature at the bookstore "Vysočina". The activity took place due to the NGO «Centrum Vysočina» from Havlíčkův Brod and its founder Mr.Milan Pilař who involved into the process of collecting books for Uzhhorod students its partners - the Institute of the Czech language of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the publishing house "Didaktika" (Brno).

 Cooperation has been continued this year. Two out of 28 cooperation projects with the Vysočina region are intended for students. They include allocation of funds on new science books and scholarships for students in Karel Havlíček Borovský Summer School of Journalism. Acting Head of the Department of Journalism Volodymyr Tarasyuk thanked Czech colleagues for the opportunity of student participation in the Summer School.

After the opening words, the head of the delegation Honorary Doctor and Master Mr. Zdenek Kadlec delivered a lecture on Vysočina region before the students of Czech Philology, Slovak Philology and the Department of Journalism. At the end, Mr. Kadlec offered a few topics for lectures on Vysočina region, beginning with the Medieval history when Jihlava as an industrial city was founded, until today, on the outstanding personalities of the Vysočina region, cultural monuments included in the UNESCO list and modern life.


