

The research carried out by the students of information science of UzhNU arose interest in Europe!

In early December Slovakia hosted an international conference KOLOS 2015 «International meeting on variable stars research» devoted to the issues of astroinformatics, astronomy and astrotourism attended by experts from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine.

Ukrainian delegation was headed by the Professor of the Faculty of Information Technologies Mr. Savanevych; he and his students delivered 4 reports on CoLiTec software developed under his guidance. Its purpose is processing images to detect asteroids and comets on a series of digital frames.

During the conference negotiations were carried on with the experts of the Vihorlat Observatory and Pavel Safarik University of Kosice concerning the development of the software for Slovak astronomers by the CoLiTec group.

The head of the Ukrainian delegation, Professor of the Faculty of Information Technologies Mr.Savanovych was invited to Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan and Jagiellonian University in Krakow to establish cooperation in the area of research.
