Department of Electronic Systems
Department of electronic systems (the first name of Department – “the Department of industrial electronics”) was founded in May 1994.
The base for founding this Department was SKTB of means for optic processing of information and ICH equipment “Kwant UZHNU”. Just at SKTB “Kwant UzhNU” were made applied engineering in the branch of science of electronic materials, optical electronics, quantum electronics, technology of thin films, optical coverings, non organic photo resistors and nanostructures which compose material and technological basis of perspective directions for development in modern electronic technique and functional electronics. Organizer and the first Head of the Department during 1994-2001 was Director of SKTB “Kwant” – candidate of physics and mathematics sciences – docent Luksha O.V.
Since 2001 the Department is headed by a doctor of physical mathematical sciences, professor, an honoured worker of science and technique of Ukraine – Opachko I.I. The training process at the Department is provided by professor, doctor of physics and mathematics sciences, five docents, candidates, engineering staff of the Department provides fulfillment of more than 20 laboratory practical works.
The Department has a powerful scientific and technical base. At the laboratory of electronic microscopy under leadership of Professor Ivanytskyy V.P. are investigated the nanostructures using methods of electronic microscopy. Professor Opachko I I. is leading the works in the branch of laser physics and quantum electronics. The works are done using unique equipment, in particular – using powerful laser on copper vapour.
Department of electronic systems supports increasing requirements of the region in highly qualified specialists of industrial electronics, electronic systems and machines. Department is accredited according to 4th level of accreditation and trains bachelors, specialists and masters. Under supervision of professor Opachko I.I. three candidate dissertations.were defended Under supervision of professor Ilnytskyy were defended 2 candidate dissertations.
Department has proper conditions and fully supports individual scientific work of the students. Under supervision of lecturers students do scientific researching works, investigate new electronic instruments, also annual scientific conferences are held. A few students of the Department have won international grants and have got financing for making investigations in modern scientific topics.
Many graduates of the Department are successfully studying at post graduate courses at leading scientific Institutions of Ukraine and defend their dissertations.
According to the research results during last five years members of the Department defended one Professor’s and three Ph. D dissertations in Physics and Mathematics.