Department of Social Medicine and Hygiene
The department of hygiene with the course of the History of Medicine was founded in 1949. The first head of the department was an assistant professor A.S. Podrazhanskyy. The course of the Organization of Health Care has been subsequently added at the department and was held by the Candidate of Medical Sciences O.P. Kameneva. From 1966 to 1976 the Candidate of Medical Sciences, an assistant professor H.D. Pushkarenko held the department.
From 1976 to 1981 the head of the department of the General Social Hygiene with the course of the History of Medicine was an assistant professor M.Yu. Palfiy. During this period such hygienists as H.D. Pushkarenko , V.I. Aleksyk, P.H. Mershchikova, N.A. Myhalyna, S.M. Mykulanynets, O.M. Mashustin and a medical historian K.K. Silvay and E.I. Veresh have worked at the department. The courses of neurology, psychiatry and tuberculosis were added to the department that was headed by the professor S.I Pashchenko in 1991.
In 1988 the department of Hygiene, Infectious diseases, Neurology and Psychiatry was organized, directed by the assistant professor I.Yu. Lavkay. From 2000 to 2002 the head of the department was the assistant professor V.I. Smolanka. In August 2002 a separate department of the Social Medicine and Hygiene with the course of the History of Medicine was founded and it was held by the Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor O.V. Fera.
The courses in the following disciplines are held to the medical students at the department: History of Medicine – 1st year; General Hygiene and Human Ecology – 3rd, 4th and 5th year; Ethical Issues in Medicine – 3rd year; Biostatics – 4th year; Social Medicine and Health Care Organization – 4th, 5th and 6th year as well as for the students in the specialty of Pharmacy – 3rd year – Hygiene in Pharmacy and for the students of the faculty of Stomatology – 1st year History of Medicine, 2nd year – Hygiene and Ecology and 3rd year – Social Medicine and Health Care Organization, 5th year – Economics of Health Care, Marketing and Management in Stomatology. Social Medicine - 5th and 6th year – Social Work at the faculty of the Social Sciences.
Over the period of its existence a great attention has been paid to the teaching and guiding as well as scientific work at the department. Six monographs edited by the doctor of medical sciences, professor O.V. Fera, six teaching guides and fifteen methodological recommendations of the doctor of medical sciences, professor O.V. Fera, candidate of biological sciences, assistant professor Kh.I. Mykyta, candidate of biological sciences A.I. Palko have been published in recent years.
The academicians of the department are carrying out the research work.
From 2009 the academicians of the department deal with the following scientific subject matter:
“Medical-social and social-hygienic research of the factors that influence on the public health in Zakarpatska oblast as an endemial region” The number of the state registration is 010U 008131 under the guidance of the doctor of medical sciences, professor O.V. Fera.
According to results of the scientific researches 90 scientific articles have been published at the occupational editions of the medical faculty of UzhNU “Scientific serial” and other editions of Ukraine, Russia and Hungary.
The students’ scientific circle works at the department and follows the department’s subject matter. The post-degree students participate in regional and All-Ukrainian conferences and Academic Olympics in general hygiene, social medicine and the fundamentals of the health care placing high.
All the academicians are actively involved in social and educational work of the department and the faculty.
K. Trifanova