The Department of Foreign Languages
The Department of Foreign Languages was founded in 1945. Until September 1974 it has had the status of general university teaching unit. At various stages of its development the Department was headed by V.Sulinchak, H.Ivanova, O.Rot, L.Vladymyr, Y.Shraml, B.Havryshkiv, S.Bobynets, M.Zymomrya, M.Polyuzhyn, I.Cholos, M.Fabian.
Since 2007 the Department is headed by Bartosh Olena − the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.
31 full-time scientific-pedagogic workers (6 associate professors, 25 seniour lecturers and lecturers) work at the Department of Foreign Languages.
The Department of Foreign Languages closely cooperates among the others with universities of: Vienna (Austria); Dundee and Sheffield (UK); Munich and Darmstadt (Germany); Krakow and Lodz (Poland); Presov and Kosice (Slovakia); Ljubljana (Slovenia); Debrecen, Eger and Budapest (Hungary), Olomouc (Czech Republic) etc.
The teaching staff actively and productively works on the development and publishing of teaching materials. Teachers of the Department each year participate in international and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences, as well as in seminars on linguistics and methods of foreign languages teaching.
Since 2007:
- the total number of publications − more than 300 units;
- the number of defended candidate dissertations − 4;
- the number of defended dissertations with the scientific degree of the European standard “PhD in philology” − 1;
- the number of candidate dissertations submitted to the previous defence − 3.
Відповідальний за інформацію: Канюк Олександра Володимирівна
Дата оновлення сторінки: 18.06.2018