The Department of Foreign Languages

In the priod of 2007−2013 the Department has worked out the comprehensive scientific theme "Teaching of Foreign Languages and the Bologna Process". The results of scientific and methodical work of the Department scientific staff is presented by the numerous scientific articles in professional journals as well as by conference papers, monographs, educational and teaching aids, dictionaries etc.

  • The number of speeches reported at international and intercollegiate seminars − 38.
  • The number of published text-books − 13.
  • The number of published dictionaries − 2.
  • The number of published methodological guidelines − 3.
  • The number of published monographs − 1.
  • The number of published scientific articles − 128.
  • The number of published teaching-methodical complexes − 105.
  • Total number of publications − 252.

The main ones are:


  1. Andreeva O. Speak French: text-book / O.F.Andreyeva, D.I.Grab. − Uzhgorod, 2008. − 155 p.
  2. Andreeva O. French for students of biology: Manual / text-book / O.F.Andreyeva, D.I.Grab. − Uzhgorod: Polihraftsenter "Lyra", 2010. − 256 p.
  3. English for students of mathematics: text-book / [Zagola N, Mynda O, Shpenyk S., Yaroslavtseva K.]. − Uzhgorod: UzhNU, 2008. − 120 p.
  4. Bartosh O. Basics of foreign business communication: text-book for social work students/ O.Bartosh, O.Kanyuk. − Uzhgorod: UzhNU, 2007. − 164 p.
  5. Birov I. German for Engineers: text-book / I.Birov, O.Kanyuk, N.Kish. − Uzhgorod: PP Danylo, 2007. − 171 p.
  6. Birov I. German for mathematicians: text-book / I.Birov, O.Kanyuk, N.Kish. − Uzhgorod: PP Danylo, 2007. − 177 p.
  7. Birov I. German for chemists and pharmacists: text-book / I.Birov, D.Ostych. − Uzhgorod, 2008. − 216 p.
  8. Kozubovska I. Forming the abilities of foreign business communication in future social workers: text-book / I.Kozubovska, O.Kanyuk. − Uzhgorod: UzhNU, 2008. − 139 p.
  9. Kanyuk O. History of Germany in Biographies: text-book / O.Kanyuk, N.Kish. − Uzhgorod: Polygraph Center "Lyra", 2009. − 83 p.
  10. Kanyuk O. German for mathematicians: text-book. − 2nd edition, revised and supplimented / O.Kanyuk, N.Kish. − Uzhgorod, Odessa: VMV, 2011. − 232 p.
  11. Kukhta I. Basics of formation of foreign language communication culture in tourism sphere professionals: text-book / I.Kukhta. − Uzhgorod: Lira, 2009. − 240 p.


  1. Marynets V. French-Ukrainian dictionary of mathematical terms / V.Marynets, O.Andreyeva. − Uzhgorod, 2008. − 216 p.
  2. Kanyuk O. German-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-German dictionary of mathematical terms / O.Kanyuk, N.Kish. − Uzhgorod: Lira, 2011. − 32 p.

Methodological guidelines

  1. Kanyuk O. Using the linguistic guesswork in preparing students for foreign language business communication: guidelines / O.Kanyuk. − Uzhgorod: UzhNU, 2011. − 28 p.
  2. Kanyuk O. Diagnosing the foreign language business communication skills: guidelines / O.Kanyuk. − Uzhgorod: UzhNU. 2011. − 28 p.

Відповідальний за інформацію: Канюк Олександра Любомирівна
Дата оновлення сторінки: 18.06.2018