Department of Applied Linguistics
The Chair of the Applied Linguistics of Uzhgorod National University was based on the Faculty of International Business and Management in June 2007.
The Chair provides teaching of the following foreign languages: English, German, French and Latin. Special consideration is given to the practical acquaintance with the studying languages.
The main efforts of the Chair are aimed at the training of the highly qualified specialists in foreign languages as far as the students of “International Business” and “International Law” specialties additionally obtain the qualification of “Interpreter-Consultant”. A new specialty “Applied Linguistics” was opened at the faculty in 2011. The graduates of the specialty will obtain not only basic knowledge of the Ukrainian and English languages but also the basis of programming, information science, mathematics and statistic analysis that provides an effective algorithm composing. On their base the professional programming specialists will create the software programs needed by the society.
The scope of activities of the specialists in “Philology (Applied Linguistics)” will be the following: a linguist-interpreter; an interpreter-consultant; a teacher of different forms of ownership; a teacher of the foreign languages (English, German, French).
Lines of activities: foreign language communication supplying in different branches of national economy; translating of business, social and political, scientific and technical texts from foreign and native languages; public relations in management organizations, commercial and advertising agencies; computer information processing, written and oral foreign language communication in private business, cooperating with foreign organizations, enterprises and companies; carrying-out of academic and research work related to the profession; foreign language teaching at the secondary schools (for the specialist) and higher education institutions (for masters).
Our academic staff extensively introduces an interactive training method. Foreign languages are studied by means of using of innovative information resources (video- and audio materials, education multimedia materials, Internet). At present the Chair heavily deals with the material and technical supplying and methodic sourcing of the faculty by the necessary sets of courseware and scientific literature.
The Chair successfully researches a complex scientific topic “Functional-pragmatic and nominative-cognitive aspects of the Romance-Germanic languages and translation”. The significant results of the fundamental research designated by the complex scientific topic of the Chair was the contribution of its executives in such new and poor investigated branch of the linguistic science as linguoconceptology. The complex scientific topic of the Chair has won in competition held by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the state financing procurement in amount of 150 000 Hryvnya for three years.
The fulfilment of the topic tasks in 2012 was realized in development of the advanced lines of the linguistic researches reflected in the numerous publications and reports at the international conferences in Ukraine and abroad. Besides, it led to the successfully defended Candidate’s dissertations. H.P. Pasichnyk defended her Candidate’s dissertation “The landscape description at the language speaking discourse of XVIII – beginning of XX centuries” (defended on October 26, 2011 at Kherson State University) as well as O.V. Voznyuk “Derivational and onomasiologic aspect of the prefixal word-building development in the English language” (defended on December 23, 2011 at Chernivtsi National University named after Yu. Fedikovych) under the direction of the Professor M.M. Polyuzhyn. Besides, such aspirants of the Chair as M.M. Kotsipak, V.V. Klepar, D.K. Kamentsa, O.Yu. Kochmar, R.Ya. Vavrinchik (academic advisor - Professor M.M. Polyuzhyn) and A.V. Halas-Tomyshyn (academic advisor - Assistant Professor T.T. Vrabel) are working on their PhD within the framework of this complex scientific topic.
The scientific project performers participated in the international scientific conferences that were held in the following cities: Ostrog, Lviv, Kirovograd, Miskolc (Hungary). The collection of the scientific articles “Problems of Romance-German philology” (included on the register ISNN 2079-0708), eighteen scientific articles and ten reports at the conferences were published within the framework of the project. Besides, Professor M.M. Polyuzhyn mastered four dissertations, two of which are Doctorate theses and two are Candidate’s theses; he wrote 38 responses on the author’s Candidate’s theses and participated in two specialized committees on the Candidate’s theses defence.
The representatives of the Chair take an active part in organization and conducting of the international scientific forums in Ukraine and abroad. (XXI International scientific-practical conference “The advanced ways and directions of the education system improvement in relation to Bologna process” 2010, Ukraine-Slovakia-Hungary; XXII International scientific-practical conference “Modernization of the European higher education in the Bologna process context” 2011, Ukraine-Slovakia-Hungary)
Different aspects of the scientific topic are specificated in individual programs of the scientific works of the Chair members. The Head of the Chair - Doctor of Philology, Professor M.M. Polyuzhyn researched the nominative and cognitive aspects of the English language studying. The results of his work he represented at the international conferences in the following cities: Ostrog, Lviv, Miskolc (Hungary). He published seven scientific articles in the research paper digests and scientific conference materials.
Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences T.T. Vrabel researched the question of the conceptual worldview in the English speaking fictional text. He published two scientific articles at the specialized publications.
Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences A.F. Andrus worked on the studying of the conceptional scope of the English adjectives big and large. The scientific and practical materials of the research were published in four scientific articles.
Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences M.V. Tomenchuk researched an alternatively determined reality conceptualization in the modern English language. She published three scientific articles.
Associate Professor V.P. Motruk researched the functional-pragmatic and nominative- cognitive aspects of the French language and literature.
Senior lecturer D.V. Kostyuk researched the productive affixes in the German speaking economic terminology creating.
Lecturer M.M. Kotsipak researched the stylistic use of the phraselogical unit in the modern American genre. The results of her research were published in her scientific article.
Lecturer V.V. Klepar researched the concept of UKRAINE in American journalism.
Lecturer O.Yu. Kachmar worked on the concept MANAGEMENT in American and Ukrainian linguocultures. During the report period she participated in different international conferences and published nine scientific sciences
Assistant R.Ya. Vavrinchik researched performatives in the modern English speaking theological discourse; she published three scientific articles.
T.T. Ishchuk and K.V. Popadyuk published some scientific articles to the point of the teaching methods of the foreign languages.
Besides, scientific-research work is conducted at the Chair among the students by involving them to the writing of the scientific articles. Therefore, student’s scientific articles (T. Vasylyeva, L. Kyrchovych, A. Pylypkanych) and report theses at the conference (I. Antal, O. Hryhoryeva, L. Kyrchovych, A. Krupchynska, A. Popova, V. Starosta) were published under the direction of O.Yu. Kachmar during the last year.
Відповідальний за інформацію: Завідувач кафедри – Полюжин Михайло Михайлович
Дата оновлення сторінки: 11.05.2019