Department of Economic Theory
Transformational changes in Ukraine have significantly increased scientific and practical interest to fundamental economics. At present stage new possibilities of applying achievements of the world economic thought and intensive exchange among various scientific schools have appeared in Ukraine. The fundamental economic training of future specialists, carried out by the Department of Economic Theory, is of the enormous importance not only in their professional development but also in shaping their modern economic thought.
Aims and objectives of the Department of Economic Theory include: carrying out educational activities, aimed at training specialists of appropriate educational and skill levels according to the higher education standards and requirements of the credit transfer system, shaping creative personality and professionalism in scientific research.
The credo of the department is: professional and personal self-improvement, self-education and personal development, participation in the life of the university, research activity, high professionalism, taking initiative, expression of trust and high demands to each other and to the students.
The department was established in 1948 as a general university department under the title “Department of Political Economy”. At different times Heads of Department were I.V. Perov, associate professor (1948-1953); A.K. Shenevidko, associate professor (1954-1955); V.P. Holovatyy, associate professor (1955-1962); A.O. Honcharenko, associate professor (1962-1973); V.M. Vasynyuk, associate professor (1974-1984); since 1985 Heads of Department have been V.I. Opiyari, associate professor; M.I.Pityulych, professor; O.S.Peredriy, professor; at the present time – Y.V. Bevzyuk, professor.
PhDs in Economics, professors H.S. Yemets, I.M. Meshko, V.I. Yarema; PhDs in Economics, associate professors M.O. Azhnyuk, I.P.Blaha, F.Y.Zakrevskyy, A.V.Zveryev, V.F.Yanochko, M.S.Kovalenko, P.I.Nadobenko, O.S.Peredriy, M.M. Ferenc, O.A.Lumpova, T.O. Mashika, M.V.Romanyuk, senior lecturers Y.S.Lutsenko, K.F.Buynytskyy, V.Y.Teryayev, V.S.Drab worked in the Department.
Nowadays the Department of Economic Theory occupies a special place in the university structure, which is determined by its “general university” status. The Department staff provides teaching of a series of Economic Theory disciplines and training of specialists at the majority of the Uzhhorod National University faculties that imposes additional obligations on the Department staff.
During their 1st and 2nd year of study Economics students master in Economic subjects, that become the basis for their study of the relevant specialty subjects. The curriculum of the Department provides noneconomic specialty students with shaping comprehension of economic phenomena and processes.
The department includes PhDs, professors, associate professors.
Відповідальний за інформацію: Завідувач кафедри - Молнар О.С.
Дата оновлення сторінки: 22.06.2018