Department of Economic Theory
With the aim of providing the educational process the Department of World Economy and Economic Theory has published a number of methodological guides including training manuals, courses of lectures, tests, etc.
The department staff works efficiently in the field of scientific work. As a result, three doctoral theses and twenty four PhD theses have been defended, 18 monographs, a series of booklets and scientific publications have been published. Among the major scientific problems that have been researched by the department staff are the problems of economic mechanism, the development of the agro-industrial complex, labour potential of the region and its efficiency. A number of monographs on the problems have been published: I.P. Blaha “Reserves of the Expansion of Labour Efficiency in Mountainous Areas”, H.S. Yemets “Industrial Advances of a Carpathian Rural Area”, T.O. Mashika “A Woman and Social Production”, “Employment of Women and Maternity”, V.I. Opiyari “Collective Labour – Sense of a Proprietor ”, O.S. Peredriy “Agro-Industrial Complex of the Comecon Member Countries”, V.I. Yarema “Local Resources: a Solid Reserve of the Consumers’ Goods”, M.I. Pityulych “Economic Mechanism of Employment Regulation in the Region”, “Formation of the Economic Mechanism of Employment Regulation in the Context of the Establishment of Market Relations”, “Socio-Labour Potential: Theory and Practice” “ Region of Ecological and Economic Development”, Y.V. Mashyka “Peculiarities of Territorial Employment in the Context of Structural Rearrangement of Regional Economy”, S.A. Zhukov “Marketing of the Enterprises in the Context of Globalization” and “Transcarpathian Mountainous Areas: Socio-Economic Transformations”.
Moreover, the following training manuals have been published:
- “Fundamentals of Economics”, “International Economic Relations” by O.S. Peredriy, professor, and M.O. Azhnyuk, associate professor;
- “Fundamentals of Economics and Organizing an Enterprise” by co-author S.A. Zhukov, associate professor, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine.
Nowadays, in the context of great changes in all spheres of economy there exists urgent necessity in scientific analysis of the transformations. Taking into consideration the fact of economic changes, the Department of Economic Theory and World Economy has been working on the problem “Efficiency of Use of the Labour Potential in the Context of the Development of Market Relations ”. This subject is of great importance for Transcarpathian region where the problem of employment remains one of the most complicated social problems. The problems have been discussed at internal and international theoretical and practical conferences.
The department staff implements up-to-date teaching methods, examine and improve new techniques in accordance with the requirements of the credit transfer and training system. Tests in combination with modern computer technologies has been applied in learning process. Each course has been provided with methodological documents in accordance with the requirements of state standards of the higher education.
The department staff researches are basic in forming the concepts of socio-economic development of Transcarpathian region. In addition, the department staff regularly takes part in Ukrainian and international conferences. Over 100 scientific works were published during the last three years in special foreign and international publications.
Відповідальний за інформацію: Завідувач кафедри - Молнар О.С.
Дата оновлення сторінки: 22.06.2018