Department of Economic Theory
- Demographics
- State Regulation of Economy
- Economic History
- Economic policy
- Economic Theory (Coursework)
- Economic Theory
- Business Ethics
- History of Economics and Economic Thought
- History of Economic Science (for students in the International Business specialty)
- Macroeconomics (Coursework)
- Macroeconomics
- Teaching Methods in Economics Courses
- International Economics
- Microeconomics (Coursework)
- Microeconomics
- The National Economy
- Introduction to Business
- Basic Economic Theory
- Basic Research
- Political Economy
- Regional Economics
- Social Economy
- Modern Economic Theory
- Transformation Economy and Government Economic Policy
Відповідальний за інформацію: Завідувач кафедри - Молнар О.С.
Дата оновлення сторінки: 22.06.2018