Faculty of Postgraduate and Pre-university Education
Student and Postgraduate Science Association of the SHEE ( State Higher Education Establishment) “Uzhhorod National University” is a voluntary association of students, postgraduates and young scientists. The Science Association is a form of the student self-government organization. Nowadays SPSA includes nearly 500 full members. During the existence of the Student and Postgraduate Science Association more than 5 000 scientific publications on the сurrent issues in human and engineering sciences were released by the students of Uzhhorod National University.
The main purpose of the UzhNU Student and Postgraduate Science Association is a full promotion of the scientific research, inventive and other creative activities of the students, postgraduates and young scientists, as well as realization of social and educational activities in the city of Uzhhorod.
There are following bodies of the Science Association in the framework of Uzhhorod National University:
- General Meeting of UzNU Science Association;
- Board of UzNU Science Association;
- other bodies, created by the General Meeting of UzNU Science Association.
General Meeting of UzNU Science Association (further - General Meeting ) is a supreme authority of the Science Association that within its competence has its right to define common rules of how the Science Association should function and to control the Board of UzNU Science Association activities (further- Board), as well as to control the activities of the other bodies of the Science Association.
The Board is a permanent executive body that carries out the coordinative functions and manages the ongoing work of the Science Association in the period of time between the General Meeting convocations.
The members of the Board are the Chairman, First Deputy Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary of the Science Association, Heads of the Science Association of the faculties (institutes), Head of the Science Association of the UzNU college.
The Uzhhorod National University SPSA members often showed the best results at the Student Science Competitions and Olympiads and they take an active part in the national and international conferences, seminars and round-table meetings. In particular, SPSA of the SHEE “UzNU” has been awarded a Grand – Prix Diploma “For the Fruitful Scientific Activity and Significant Contribution to the Integration of Ukrainian Education into the European Education and Research Area” at the X International Scientific Conference of the students, postgraduates and PhD students “ Achievements in the Student Science: Realities, Problems and Prospects” in Miskolc , Hungary.
The SPSA members occupy managerial position in the national organizations, in particular, in the Students League of the Association of the Ukrainian Lawyers, Ukrainian Association of the medical students and Ukrainian Association of the dental students.
The tasks of the UzNU Student and Postgraduate Science Association are:
- to promote creating conditions of the effective scientific research of the students, postgraduates and young scientists;
- to organize and carry out the university, regional, national and international seminars, conferences, round-table meetings, competitions of the scientific works and other activities of the students, postgraduates and young scientists;
- to publish the scientific collections of the students and postgraduates according to the materials of the conferences;
- to highlight the carrying out of the seminars, conferences, round-table meetings and other activities in mass media;
- to inform students and postgraduates about grants, competitions, Olympiads, conferences and other scientific activities, to create favourable conditions for participation in such activities;
- to promote and organize the publication of scientific papers of the students, postgraduates and young scientists;
- to seek talented students and postgraduates among the persons who study at the university and to provide them with the comprehensive assistance;
- to promote development of the youth scientific research initiatives.