Faculty of Biology
The history of the faculty of biology starts in 1945 when Uzhhorod university was founded. In the period of its functioning the faculty had over 60 graduations having trained over 5000 specialists in biology working both in Ukraine and beyond its borders. Over 100 faculty graduates defended their candidate theses and 26 graduates became doctors of science.
The faculty of biology trains:
- BACHELORS, SPECIALISTS AND MASTERS majoring in “Biology” and specializing in: botany, zoology, entomology, bioecology, plant physiology, and microbiology;
Government order for students majoring in “Biology” is 40 students (daytime), 20 (extramural); for students majoring in “Agronomy” the number is 15 students (daytime), 5 (extramural).
The number of students: over 600 daytime, extramural and external students.
Student training is provided for by five departments: botany (head – candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Kolesnyk О. B.), genetics, plant physiology and microbiology (head – doctor of biological sciences, professor Nikolaichuk V. І.), entomology and maintaining biological variety (head – candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Roshko V. G.), zoology (head – doctor of biological sciences, professor Kovalchuk А. А.), growing fruit, vegetables and vine (head – doctor of agricultural sciences,professor Savina О. І.).
The high level of training biologists is enhanced by academic bases: botanical gardens, zoological museum, vivarium, highland biobase “Kolochava” (Mizhhirya rayon), scientific herbarium, reserves, national parks and leading agricultural farms in the region.
Modern scientific researches of the biological faculty staff are aimed at protecting the Carpathian flora and fauna, elaboration of biotechnological methods of maintaining the gene pool of valuable fodder and medicinal plants, their industrial reproduction, increasing the effectiveness of growing agricultural plants in Transcarpathia.
The process of education is provided for by over 40 highly qualified lecturers including 5 doctors of science, professors, 36 associate professors, candidates of science. Instruction at the faculty is held by: doctor of biological sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, honoured professor of the national university “Kyiv Mohyla Academy”, Soros professor, Honoured master of sciences and engineering of Ukraine Komendar V.І.; doctor of biological sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Honoured master of sciences and engineering of Ukraine, winner of the state prize of Ukraine in the sphere of science and engineering, Honoured academician of the Hungarian academy of sciences Nikolaichuk V.І.; doctor of biological sciences, professor Kovalchuk А.А.; doctor of agricultural sciences, professor Савіна О.І.; doctor of biological sciences, professor Felbaba-Klushyna L.М.
The faculty staff are constantly increasing their proficiency level by work experience abroad: in the USA, Germany, Austria, Italy, Greece, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, etc.
Staff training is done via postgraduate and doctoral studies.
The best students of the faculty can avail themselves of the exchange programs in higher educational establishments of Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic, have pre-diploma and diploma practice at leading national research institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as well as at foreign ones. Talented students research state budget and contractual themes, take an active part in scientific conferences, and student competitions.
The high professional training level of our students is testified by the fact that in recent years they hold prize-winning places on All-Ukrainian student competitions in biology, agronomy, applied ecology, etc.
Student life at the faculty of biology is interesting and varied. Students’ leisure is realized via the organization and conducting at the faculty of: “Freshmen day”, Miss of the biological faculty, Biologist’s day, “Bio-bograch”, meetings with famous people (educators, doctors, journalists, directors of regional enterprises, best graduates). Students-biologists actively participate in artistic and entertainment competitions held at the university: “Student autumn”, “Brain-ring”, “Miss UzhNU”, wits and humour competition and spartakiads.
The faculty of biology maintains fruitful contacts with research and manufacturing organizations in Ukraine (in Kyiv, Lviv, Odessa, Kherson, Chernivtsi, Ternopil, etc.) and abroad – Slovak agricultural university (Nitra, Slovakia), Karliv university (Prague, the Czech Republic), Szeged scientific university (Szeged, Hungary), Agricultural university (Warsaw, Poland), Zvolen technological university (Banska Stavnica, Slovakia), Agricultural research institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Martonvasar, Hungary), Dresden institute of cultivating fruit crops (Dresden, Germany), National agronomic institute (Paris, France), Czech university of agriculture (Prague, the Czech Republic), Research institute of agricultural crops (Prague, the Czech Republic), G. Mendel agrarian university (Brno, the Czech Republic), Lubliana university (Slovenia), Oxford university, etc.
Graduates of the faculty of biology can find a job in various institutions and organizations related to biology, diagnostic laboratories and centres, sanitary and epidemiological establishments, phytosanitary service, in recreational organizations, environmental protection institutions, state and private forestry enterprises, system of ecological building, connected to planting of trees and gardens in urban, industrial and recreational territories, natural reserve fund establishments, botanical gardens, zoological museums, they can also become lecturers in universities, lyceums, gymnasiums, teachers of comprehensive schools, etc.
Our graduates fruitfully work in the educational and scientific sphere in the following research institutes and higher educational establishments: M.H. Kholodnyi institute of botany, I.I. Shmalhausen institute of zoology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, D.K. Zabolotnyi institute of microbiology and virology, Institute of molecular biology and genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of genetics and physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, O.O. Bohomolets institute of physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, T.H. Shevchenko national university, M.P. Dragomanov Kyiv state pedagogical university, National university of bioresources and nature management of Ukraine, Institute of radiation medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Obninsk, Russia), О.М. Severtsov institute of evolutional morphology and ecology of animals of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia), University of Georgia (USA), Oxford university (Great Britain), etc.
S. Golik