Department of System Analysis and Optimization Theory

As a subsection of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, and later the Faculty of of Mathematics of Uzhhorod National University, the Department of Computational Mathematics was founded in 1963. It was headed by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor Siryk H.V. , and in 1973 by Doctor of  Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Markush I.I. For about 30 years (1977- 2006) the Department was working under the direction of  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Chervak Y.Y. New areas of research in discrete and multi-objective optimization launched by him determined the scientific direction of the Department as a whole. In 2000 the Department of Computational Mathematics was renamed as the Department of Systems Analysis and Mathematical Optimization. Currently researches are conducted in the fields of modeling and studying models of discrete,multi-objective,lexicographic optimization and decision making theory. The problems of  building efficient numerical algorithm of solving problems of mechanics are being considered as well as problems of  mathematical physics, finding the extremum of non-differentiable and discontinuous functions of two and more real variables. Researches of logical and algebraic methods of processing digital information are being carried out.

Today there are 11 staff members of the Department, among them 8 associate professors,1 senior lecturer, 2 assistants and 4 part-time workers, 2 of  them being Professors, 1 associate professor and 1 assistant.

The research and teaching staff of the Department provides the Faculty of Mathematics with lectures on 18 general courses and 22 special courses for 2 specialties: Mathematical support and software of computers ( specialty of Mathematics), Operations research and systems analysis (specialty of Applied Mathematics).

Also training of the research and teaching staff takes place by post-graduate education on the specialty 01.05.01 - Theoretical Foundations of  Informatics and Cybernetics.

The department is closely related to such leading universities of the country as Kyiv and Lviv National Universities, Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of  NAS of Ukraine and others.

Staff members:

15 employees, among them 2 Doctors of  Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 6 Candidates of  Physical and Mathematical Sciences,1Candidate of Technical Sciences, 1 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

There are 18 general disciplines and 22 special courses on the Department of Systems Analysis and Mathematical Optimization.
