Department of Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics
The Department has founded in 1967. The was named as the Department of Differential Equations and Theoretical Mechanics but in 1978 it was renamed. The Department provides training mathematicians on specialties 8.08.0101 “Mathematics” and 8.080102 “Applied Mathematics” as well as specialties “Differential Equations and their Use” and “Mathematical Physics”.
The Department was headed by Associate Professors Buledza A.V., Markush I.I., Marynets V.V., Savchenko L.I. Since 1990 Professor Marynets V.V., is Head of the Department.
There is the Postgraduate cause on the Department. The main scientific area is the following: “Boundary Value Problems of Differential Equations Theory Researches and Methods of their Approximate Solution Construction”. There were 3 doctorate theses and 15 candidate theses defended in the Department. The Department researches include state budget and Department’s scientific topics.
Staff members:
There are 10 lecturers on the Department, among them 3 Doctors of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 3 Candidates of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
The Department of Differential Equations and Mathematical Physic provides teaching of 7 general subjects and 14 courses by choice.
Prospects for the Development of the Department:
The long-term development of the Department includes the further improvement of forms and methods of educational-methodical and scientific works, implementation of problem teaching methods, improving the efficiency of academic degrees and titles training.