Faculty of Mathematics
The Faculty of Mathematics includes 5 departments (Department of Algebra, Department of Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, Department of Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics, Department of Theory of Probability and Mathematical Analysis, Department of System Analysis and Theory of Optimization). Their staff includes 45 teachers, among them 8 Professors, Doctors of Sciences and 37 Ph.D. Most of the teachers are the graduates of this faculty. All of them are well-skilled specialists. The faculty has a good scientific and educational basis.
Since 1986 we have been training students as teachers of mathematics and as scientists and production specialists. Since 1989 we have been training specialists in applied mathematics. The graduates of the faculty are conferred the following degrees: “Bachelor of Mathematics”, “Mathematician. School Teacher”, “Mathematician. University Teacher”, “Bachelor of Applied Mathematics”, “Mathematician. Applied Mathematics”, “Mathematician Analyst in Operation Research”.
Well-known Personalities — Graduates of the Faculty of Mathematics
Almost all the teaching staff in the schools of Transcarpathia in the sphere of mathematics and information technologies are the graduates of the Faculty of Mathematics of UzhNU. We are proud of our graduates honoured teachers of Ukraine, teachers winners of Soros grants. Many graduates occupy high positions in Transcarpathian Regional Administration, in Uzhhorod Council and district centres of our region, as well as rectors of state universities. Among seven Deans of the faculty six were its graduates.
Prospects of the Faculty of Mathematics
Since 2000 the Master’s Degree has been conferred at the faculty. During the last few years the Faculty of Mathematics conferred 150 Master’s Degrees in Mathematics and 110 Master’s Degrees in Applied Mathematics. Among them 46 and 30 respectively received Honours Diplomas.
The teaching staff have published a lot of text-books, manuals and monographs. Among them are: Perestyuk M.O., Marynets V.V. Theory of Equations of Mathematical Physics, 3 edition. – Kyiv: Lybid, 2006.; Heche F.J., Motsa A.I. Analysis for Statisticians. – Uzhhorod : VETA-Zakarpattya, 2003.; Slyusarchuk P.V. Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. –Uzhhorod, Karpaty, 2005.; Chervak Y.Y. Optimization. – Uzhhorod : UzhNU, 2002.; Hudyvok P.M. Presentation of Final Groups over Communicative Local Circles. – Uzhhorod : UzhNU, 2003., Heche F.E. Analysis of Discrete Functions and Synthesis of Logical Schemes in Neurobasis . – Uzhhorod : Padjaka, 2010, and others.
As in recent years, the teachers of the Faculty of Mathematics have been active participants of various scientific forums in Ukraine and abroad. The leading scientists have organized many international conferences in mathematics. Some of them took place at the faculty. In Uzhhorod was held the International Algebraic Conference (August 2001), which was part of the Ukrainian Mathematical Congress; the International School Seminar ‘Chain Fractions, their Generalization and Usage’ (August 2002); since 2002 every second year the School Seminar ‘Theory of Decision Taking’ has been held; the International Scientific Conference ‘Differential Equations and their Usage’ was held in September 2012.
History and Present Day
The Faculty of Mathematics was founded on September 1, 1950, when the first 25 university entrants became students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Among the first graduates were the future Professors M.D.Babych and I.I. Markush, Associate Professors S.M.Brody, I.V.Klympush, S.S.Polyak, senior teachers. Most of them devoted their lives to UzhNU.
The first head of the Department of General Mathematics was the world-known scientist Doctor of Philosophy, Professor M.O.Zarytskyj. Professor Zarytskyj worked at Uzhhorod University till 1953, at the same time being head of department at Lviv University. He influenced greatly the formation of new departments at our faculty. He advised to invite post graduates from Lviv University to teach at our faculty. These teachers founded new departments, their own scientific schools, trained many generations of mathematicians. Later the staff was formed by graduates of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.
In 1958 courses of post-graduate studies were introduced at the department. University teachers of mathematics began their training. Prospective students were sent to the best Universities of the country to be trained as University teachers.
In September 1966 the Faculty of Mathematics was founded. The first Dean was G.V.Siryk. The new faculty was rapidly developing. In 1967 the Department of Theoretical Mechanics and Differential Equations was founded, and in 1968 the Department of Theoretical Cybernetics and Mathematical Logics. In 1969 the Department of General Mathematics was renamed into the Department of Algebra. Later the names of other departments were also changed. The Department of Theoretical Cybernetics and Mathematical Logics was renamed into the Department of Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics, the Department of Theoretical Mechanics and Differential Equations is now called the Department of Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics. In September 2000 the Department of Computing Mathematics was renamed into the Department of System Analysis and Theory of Optimization.
During 64 years the faculty trained more than 6600 specialists of mathematics.